Sunday, September 30, 2012

We Awoke to SNOW Today

Good Sunday to all of you!

This week has been a good week. I was in a different classroom everyday and enjoyed most of it.  Along the way this week I learned a few facts: Black bears must gain at least 4 inches of fat to survive in the winter, they give birth while in hibernation and never wake up, and they consume 20,000 calories a day. A super sized (which is no longer available) fry at McDonald's had 600 calories, a Super Sized drink has 45 tsp. (I think) of sugar and McDonald's spends 1.4 Billion Dollars on advertising. I DO NOT speak spanish, thank goodness the movie has subtitles.  I also got to watch part of Legends of Sleepy Hallow (never seen before - at least not that I can remember).  So at least I learned something. Oh, and I learned that high school students are VERY cleaver and sneaky with their cell phones.  Time for this sub to no longer be nice.

It is moose season here.   Did you know that a moose will feed a family of four for two-three years.  That's alot of moose.  Speaking moose, I cooked my first piece of moose meat.  It wasn't bad, not something we will eat often, but will eat again.  I cooked it in the crockpot much like cooking a brisket.  (I may have already posted that last week - oh well.)

Doc still hasn't received official approval to attend the conference in Tulsa in October, so we may not see Oklahoma until December.

We purchased our official winter extension cords yesterday - pretty blue not orange. These are used to reach the plug-ins we will need to plug-in our cars while at work once the temperatures reach 20 below.

Last night something was apparently outside our window.  About 10:15, Charlie went CRAZY.  I let him out and he ran the parameter of the fence and barked and barked.  No, I did not go out to investigate, but our guess is that perhaps in the trees there was a moose.  Still waiting to officially see a moose.

Friday night we went with the K-5 grade kids from church to play Laser Tag.  While we didn't play we did supervise.  There were about 17 of them.  Fun was had by all.

This morning we awoke to some snow - not much but it was snow.  When we got to church, it had not snowed in town.  By the time we left church it was all gone.  Then this afternoon it started again, big beautiful flakes, but again it didn't last long.  I know it is eventually going to happen.  Later on this afternoon we actually went walking.  The temperature was 35. While that may sound cold, it really wasn't.  We both wore our coats and ear coverings and I had on gloves and by the time we got in the house we were actually a little warm. 

I believe we are starting to adjust to Alaska.  We now have a regular routine and don't really do much sight seeing around here - mainly because we have already seen most of it.  Tonight is supposed to be a good night to see the Northern Lights.  If we do see them, I will post pictures later next week. 

I want to leave you with a verse from service this morning:

From the Message Bible:
Philippians 3:15-16
So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision - you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it.

Have blessed week.  Love and miss all of you.

Sally & Richard

The only red trees we have seen.

Snow this morning

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