Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday, October 21

Greetings from cold and snowy Alaska.  We awoke this morning to -3 and it is currently 24.

There hasn't been much going on here this week, just the usual routine, with the exception of car problems.

It snowed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and there were flurries on Thursday and Friday.  I survived with my Oklahoma driving skills. (Pictures will follow). The only problem. Friday, I stopped for my weekly tea at my favorite little shop and when I got in my car to leave, my car wouldn't start.  The car was not recognizing the key fob (either one).  So, on Saturday the car was towed and hopefully the dealership can get the car running again this week.

Since, I really don't have much information, I will simply share snow pictures from this week.

Have a blessed week.  Miss and love you all.

Sally & Richard

Trees behind our house

This lamps are on the patio

Beside the house

Behind the house

So far, Charlie loves the snow

Walking to take the trash out

1 comment:

  1. Sally, I am so behind on reading blogs and lots of other things too:) I just finished catching up on yours. You never have a dull moment up there and I am glad things are going well for you. One day Charlie might say enough already when he ventures out in the snow. Hugs.
